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Thoughtful Gay Oddysseys

I ran into my bedroom,

chest puffing, muscles tightening

to extreme tensions

as if holding back a tiger

from it's snack.

The feeling didn't pass.

The vicious landscape of panic,

here again,

and I am helpless

to bulldoze the toppling


Was it a smell?

A touch?

A sound?

Did I forget one of my self-care


Do I have a new need?

Mind is racing like an unchecked

river flooding the banks

spreading slowly until

mud covers every

cranny of sanity.

I recall my therapist's voice:

"You don't always have to know,

just let it happen."

I try breathing and shivering

without thinking.

A hard concept for someone

who has spent their years

on the lifeboat of thinking.

To suddenly let go of the ropes,

and feel myself fall

into bottomless emotions,

afraid of what will happen to me,

who I might become without

an anchor.

As if a switch is flipped,

my breathing slows,

and my racing heart

seems to find ground.

Well shit.

Letting go isn't poison after all.


Jan 07, 2025 - By Rebekah Wardell

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Rebekah M. Wardell

is the author of numerous scribbly journals, none of which will see the light of day. When they are not writing, you could find them reading, hiking, and laughing with their family in the parks and woods of the PNW.