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Thoughtful Gay Oddysseys

My charge lies sleeping

in the shadow of the trees.

I glance back,

they stir,

open their eyes, sigh,

and sleep again.

I refocus on the scene

before me, in the field,

near the rock.

Another little shadow,

this one digs a hole

and they are alone.

Their clothes, scorched

and shredded.

Their hair, a forgotten forest.

I feel horror as they climb

into the hole

and pull dirt over

their body,

small fingers scratching

the skin of the earth.

I walk forward, slowly,

and sit.

They vacantly gaze at me

between dirt crumbles,

their rib cage barely moving.

"I see you experienced the war too," I say.

They don't speak.

"Can I help you out?

Maybe we can talk?" I ask.

A slight flicker in their eyes.

I climb into the hole and gently lift

them into my arms,

earth tumbling from the edges

as I climb out.

The child hides their face into my shoulder

and begins to cry softly.

"I'm so sorry, darling.

I'm so sorry it took me this long to find you."


Jan 07, 2025 - By Rebekah Wardell

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Rebekah M. Wardell

is the author of numerous scribbly journals, none of which will see the light of day. When they are not writing, you could find them reading, hiking, and laughing with their family in the parks and woods of the PNW.