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Thoughtful Gay Oddysseys

I resort to my old glory days

where Television provides

my parenting skills.

As the wise mothers of fiction

rest their arms around the upset

children of the screen,

I feel the tension in my chest

ease a little.

I search inside for the little ones

who are overwhelmed by the dresses

and the desire to rage and wrestle.

I search inside for the older teens

who learn

the deep ache of lonely.

I search inside for the twenty year olds

lost in the industry of men

and trying to financially survive.

I rest an arm around them all,

and I say, "Yes, it is hard,

and I am here."


Jan 07, 2025 - By Rebekah Wardell

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Rebekah M. Wardell

is the author of numerous scribbly journals, none of which will see the light of day. When they are not writing, you could find them reading, hiking, and laughing with their family in the parks and woods of the PNW.