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Count Down

Thoughtful Gay Oddysseys

If they don't win,

the red home might

click off the TV

for a family


Women should

not be in charge

of men,


a brown one.

I'm not saying

you should hate,

but this is wrong.

Don't use

the bathrooms

in Portland or Seattle,

you might get attacked

by a man in a dress.

Now, go put on

your Sunday


We're going

to get through

with a potluck

and prayer.

God will protect us

these next four years,

don't be afraid.

God will find

a way out of

this mess for us.

If they don't win,

the blue home might

burst with panic attacks,

haircuts, masks,

thick scarves and skirts,

jeans or not jeans,

no more talking in public,

definitely no holding hands,

don't ever let your plane

layover in TX or FL

because you

can't use the bathroom

without fear

of impossible debt,

arrest, or death.

Don't confront anyone

on the streets, consider

if we should

buy mace,

talk to our kid

about safety rules

so we all know

what to do

in case of an earthquake

or a nazi,

go to the bathroom

but in groups,

don't go downtown

after 4pm or at all,

scan everyone

on the street,

don't let people

walk behind you

even if it's

at a distance,

veer to safety

just in case

that stranger

hates you.

Count Down

Dec 12, 2024 - By Rebekah Wardell

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Rebekah M. Wardell

is the author of numerous scribbly journals, none of which will see the light of day. When they are not writing, you could find them reading, hiking, and laughing with their family in the parks and woods of the PNW.