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Thoughtful Gay Oddysseys

I listened to the tension

of what happened

and what could have


For three years

I fastened myself to that couch

in that apartment,


that if I don't create life

then life will bleach

like a photograph

left in the sun.

I gained what I wanted.

I became alone and I became

external freedom.

And now,

it is simply me,

inside this body,

wondering how to feel

an emotion

that isn't terror

or rage.

The next sun sets,

and I lift my hand


palm up.

Perhaps awaiting

the arrival

of myself

will be peaceful.


Jan 07, 2025 - By Rebekah Wardell

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Rebekah M. Wardell

is the author of numerous scribbly journals, none of which will see the light of day. When they are not writing, you could find them reading, hiking, and laughing with their family in the parks and woods of the PNW.